The passing of the second weekend of July can only mean that Strata Brass ventured north to support Brandon Village again in the Durham Miner’s Gala.
Some of the band travelled on Friday afternoon to enjoy a little R & R before the event, the rest were up early for the coach from the band room leaving at 5am! All meeting in Brandon village at 7am for a welcome coffee and a bacon sandwich, the band started the day with a stirring rendition of Gresford, the Miners hymn outside the Community Hall before taking to the streets round the village. First up was a new arrangement of ‘Mark Bronson’s Uptown Funk’. and the Brandon residents came out to show their pride and support for the banner as it passed by before it made it’s way on to Durham City Centre to join the thousands of others from villages around the area all wanting to show their pride in the their own Banner and heritage.

Once in the City centre, Strata Brass marched towards the old racecourse, with an obligatory stop at the Magdelene Steps where they treated the crowds to their version of Robbie Williams’ ‘Let me Entertain You’ which was greeted with the usual enthusiastic appreciation of the crowd. Next stop was the County Hotel where the awaiting dignitaries and the silenced crowds were serenaded with the bands fantastic version of Gresford. Then the final push along the road to the Old Racecourse and time for a well earned rest.
After the speeches on the main stage were finished, the band reconvened on the road to take the return leg of the days action. Ensuring that the Durham crowd and most importantly, Brandon Banner Group where well entertained with Strata’s own version of Tina Turners ‘Simply the Best’ and Cascada ‘Everytime We touch’. After arriving back where they started so many hours earlier, some of the band got back on the coach to travel back to Barnsley, while the others went back to village to collect their cars and say their goodbyes for another year before heading back into Durham to relax after another amazing day.

Every member of Strata Brass loved representing Brandon Village once again We always get such an amazing welcome, whether it be a seasoned player or one their for the first time. We will always look forward to the second weekend in July and becoming members of this wonderful community, even if just for a day.